Fields or states, when newly created and never used, can be deleted.
However, if there is data associated to a field through a submission, or if an idea has been processed through a state, it is not possible to delete. The system is designed to safeguard data integrity. Your only option in this case is to disable the incorrect field or state.
You can disable the field or state by going into the Workflow or Submission form, and selecting the "Disable" button. By doing so, no one will be able to move ideas to this state, and it will not appear in the reports.
When considering the disable option, it's important to review the history records associated with the field or state. If there have been numerous transitions to and from a state, it's crucial to take this into account.
If you prefer to delete a field rather than disable it, you need to ensure that all ideas do not reference any data from that field. To accomplish this, you need to navigate to the ideas that contain data with this field and delete the corresponding data within the field.