Qmarkets allows clients to add custom features to enhance tracking and management of ideas at various states in their workflows. As part of the standard package, you have access to three features: Join Request, Task Management, and Expert Management.

The features below are available as add-on components. If interested in adding any of the features below, or you have a concept not shown below, please discuss with your Customer Success Manager or your Account Manager.

Collaboration Features

Communications Tracking

This feature allows the moderator and state owners to track the communications with companies’ contacts – a crucial step in the scouting process.

    Learn more: Communication Tracking v.2.pdf

Private Discussions

An unlimited number of private discussions on different topics can be conducted in parallel around an idea. This allows you to keep the discussion content in one place, while each discussion is visible only for its invited users.

    Learn more:   Private Discussions v.2.pdf

Qualitative Benefits

The Qualitative benefit of an idea refers to its qualities that cannot be quantified –how the user feels about the idea and why he should use it.

    Learn more:   Qualitative Benefits v.2.pdf

Expert Management

Expert management is the process of requesting, reviewing and managing multiple expert reviews on a specific idea, startup or any other entity.

    Learn more:    Expert Management v.1.pdf 

Join Request

Enable users to “Join” an idea, a startup or any to the entity and express their willingness to contribute to this idea, and/or be part of the “idea team” now or in the future.

    Learn more:  Join Requests v.1.pdf

Project Management Features

Document Management

Our Documents feature allows you to create a ‘Document’ section surrounding any idea or 

project within the Qmarkets system.

     Learn more:   Documents v.1.pdf 

Idea Adoption

Idea Adoption feature allow users to “Adopt” an idea and add information about the impact it had on their department. Giving you a valuable insight on the benefits of implementing the idea on a large scale.

   Learn more:   Idea Adoption v.2.pdf

Idea Updates

Sometimes you might have ideas that stay in project stage for long periods of time per your internal process. Qmarkets provides the ability to send / receive status updates on the ideas as they are in the stage.

    Learn more:    Idea Updates v1.pdf


Resource Management is the process of planning and allocating project resources to utilize them and achieve your project goals in the most efficient way.

    Learn more:   Resources v.2.pdf

KPI Management

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in project management, measure the progress of teams in specific pre-defined goals.

    Learn more:    KPI Management v.2.pdf

Project Impact

Project Impact represents the impact of the project on the KPIs, metrics, and other aspects it is related to, both positive and negative.

    Learn more:   Project Impact v.2.pdf

Personal Notes

While open collaboration between users is critical to the success of an innovation project, it’s important as an idea owner or a moderator to be able to add private notes, comments, and reminders that only you can see.

    Learn more:   Personal Notes v.2.pdf

Controlling Features


Budget Management is the process of forecasting, tracking, and managing the financial resources associated with a project across the implementation workflow.

    Learn more:   Budget v.2.pdf 

Process for adding a new feature

This highlights the process for adding a new feature.

    Learn more:   Process for Adding a new feature for a customer.pdf

Contact Management

Within a scouting system you need to keep track of not only companies, but also the contacts at those companies. Phone numbers, email addresses, and associated contacts need to be stored and managed for easy access.

    Learn more:   Contact Management v.2.pdf 


Milestones are events that signify a major development in a project, helping stakeholders to manage the process and ensure it aligns with the planned path.

    Learn more:   Milestones v.2.pdf 


Our Q&A feature allows you to create a ‘Questions & Answers’ section surrounding any subject or idea within the Qmarkets system.

    Learn more:   Q&A v.2.pdf 

Risk Management

Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing risks that can impact the planned outcome during an idea implementation process.

   Learn more:   Risk Management v.2.pdf

Task Management

Task management is the process of creating and managing tasks that are related to the screening, evaluation or implementation processes that are being managed.

    Learn more:    Task Management v.1.pdf