There are 2 options to analyze user engagement:

  1. -Look at the "User Engagement level" of each user, as part of the other information that is gathered on users. This is displayed as part of the User Export.
  2.  Look at KPI-based  summary reports - i.e. reports that sums various engagement KPIs like": ideas, comments, votes, join requests, points etc. per user, per department, per campaign etc.

Option one - User Export
The User Exports report is a great way of exporting a list of your users along with their profile information and activity level.

The tracked activity levels are:

  • Idle - The user never visited the site
  • Viewer - The user visited the site, BUT did not participate or engage
  • Feedbacker - The user visited the site and participated by posting comments and/or voting on ideas. The user did NOT submit any ideas/companies etc. 
  • Generator - The user visited the site, and submitted at least one idea/company. The user did NOT comment/vote.

  • All-Arounder - The user participated by posting comments or voting on ideas, and also submitted at least one idea/company etc.

The report accumulates the activities from all subsystems.

To run the report:

- In case you have a single subsystem, go to Main menu --> Reports-->Exports and select the "User Export" option 

- In case you have multiple subsystems, go to Subsystem Overview --> Reports--> Select the "User Export" option.

Option two- KPI-based Summary Reports

There are a few out -of-the-box reports that can provide info re enagemanet.

For example, the collaboration report:

Or the points report:

In addition, you can create custom reports, based on your needs with any of the existing KPIs as explained in this tutorial.