Our product offers extensive flexibility, allowing you to obtain AI-generated feedback on any topic and save it in a specialized field at the idea, company, or project level.
Click here to discover how to add an "AI-generated field."

Please see below success-proven use cases we recommend consider using along your process.

Field LabelHelp Text
When to use it in the processRecommended PromptLimitations
Executive SummaryExecutive summary by AI
Just after submissionWrite a summary focusing on idea's core concept and unique value proposition. Up to 10 lines.
Works properly when idea description is more than 1000 chars
KeywordsAI Generated Keywords
Just after submission
Generate a set of 5-10 relevant hashtags/keywords that capture the main themes or topics evident in the idea, to facilitate categorization and discovery in the idea management platform.

Challenges & Difficulties
AI Generated Challenges & DifficultiesTo support screening and review

You are an automated expert - review the provided idea and assess the challenges and difficulties that could be in implementing it in a company like ours. Focus mainly on technical challenges and organizational challenges.

Avoid any intro text in your answer - just reply with bottom line. 

Value SummaryAI Generated Value Summary
o support screening and review

You are an automated expert - review the provided idea and sharpen or highlight the potential value or impact that  implementing such an idea in a company like ours can have. Focus mainly on how can this idea meet the specific need or challenge focus of the challenge that the idea was submitted in. Typically the idea's value or impact can be in terms of improving processes, saving costs, improving products/services or introducing new revenue for the company - depending on the type of idea and the specific focus of the challenge that the idea was submitted in. 

Avoid any intro text in your answer - just reply with bottom line. 

Region FitAI Generated Region Fit

To support screening and review

Please specify to which regions the product/solution will fit.

Select from:




In addition, please explain why

Industry ExamplesAI Generated Industry ExamplesTo support evaluation

You are an automated expert - review the provided idea and provide examples of similar solutions or technologies out there, or similar ideas that were implemented by relevant similar companies. Keep examples also within the focus of the challenge that the idea was submitted in. 

Avoid any intro text in your answer - just reply with bottom line. 

SWOT analysis 
AI Generated SWOT analysis  
To support evaluation
Write a SWOT analysis based on the idea. Write a paragraph for each of the characters. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Response should be formatted as a bullet list.

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