The "IP Block" feature our latest addition to the platform empower system admins to effortlessly manage permissions based on IP address ranges. With this enhanced security and control capability, you can now for example protect your valuable files and ensure they will be accessed only from secured and pre-approved lists of IP addresses.

How it works

Step 1: Define the IP addresses

  • Which IP addresses should receive this permission? Usually its IPs of specific office locations or VPNs.

Step 2: Define the permissions

  • What can users within this IP do? I.e. they can upload files, while without the network they can't. 
  • Make sure with your CSM, that these permissions are supported.

Step 3: Make the Change Request via your CSM

  • Take your details to the CSM
  • S/He will be able to give you an effort estimation

To enable the IP Block contact your CSM. It is related to additional license costs.