In order to encourage engagement and collaboration, points can be customized and awarded for each Community Feature. This includes Commenting, Voting, Subscribing, and Join Requests.

1. Go to the Workflow Wizard and select the "Features Settings" tab.

2. Click on the relevant setting you would like to change. This will prompt a window to appear.


There are three options to award points when using the Commenting feature.

Best practice tips

  1. The difference between points the idea author(s) receive vs. a commenter should reflect the importance you see in     creating a community discussion on ideas.
  2. Awarding points to the author when a user adds a comment is good when wanting to reward ideas that create a "buzz". This also encourages users to promote their ideas amongst their colleagues.
  3. “Tagging” is a great functionality to boost collaboration. It is highly recommend to award points for it.


There are two options to award points when using the Voting feature. 

Best practice tips

  1. Voting is the “easiest” action, so it is recommended to be reflected in the number of points a voter receives.
  2. Awarding points to the author when users vote on an idea is good when wanting to reward ideas that create a "buzz". This also encourages users to promote their ideas amongst their colleagues.


There is one option to award points when using the Subscribe feature.

Best practice tips

  1. Awarding points to a user when they subscribe to an idea may increase the chances they will re-visit the system and collaborate on the idea in the future 

Join Requests

There is an option to gain points for submitting a Join request, and for every subsequent workflow transition the request goes through (as defined by the sysadmin when configuring the join request feature).

For example: In the below image there are 3 states: “Pending”, “Joined”, and “Refused”.

Best practice tips

  1. Submitting a “join request” reflects the “top” level of engagement. It is recommended to acknowledge the willingness to join a specific idea’s team, and also the “acceptance” of the request.

For other point configuration options, please refer to the following page: How to configure user points