Sysadmin, tenant admin, and campaign managers can send emails to their community or campaign audience.
Unlike emails that are sent outside of the system, using this feature allows you to send it only to specific portions of the community, based on their profile information, their past activity or their roles.

If you prefer to watch a tutorial, please click here to learn how to send an email to the system/tenant community or here in order to send an email to the Campaign audience. 

How to navigate to Bulk Email

For Site Audience


For Campaign Audience



You can customize who will receive the email based on profile information and past activity


You can targets users only with specific values in their profile:

Users' activity on site
Options are:
  • All users - this includes all active (i.e. not blocked users).
    In system with multiples tenants, it includes only users from current tenant.
  • Subset of the users:
    • Users that have visited the site at least once
    • Users that have never visited the site.

Or based on their past activities:

Users' activity on campaign
Options are: 
  • All invited campaign users - this includes all users in the campaign audience 
  • Subset of the users:
    • Users that have visited the campaign at least once 
    • Users that have submitted ideas in the campaign .
    • Users that have never visited the campaign.

You can also customize the Mail Subject and Mail Body. In a multi-lingual system, all languages are required to be filled in.

There are three buttons at the bottom of the page.

Preview - allows you to preview the email

Send Test email - will send a test email only to yourself

Send Emailwill send the bulk email to the selected audience 

The system sends 500 emails at a time. If there are over 500 recipients in the list, the system will send out batches of 500 emails every hour.

Emails History tab

Once an email is sent, it can be accessed and tracked through the 'Email History' page.

Please note that if you want to re-send the email, you can click the three dots icon and select the 'clone' button.
Once you click this option, the previous email will be opened and you will be able to adjust it before re-sending.

Also, If it's needed for any reason, you can click on 'Pause' option. It will stop new emails from being sent

Please note that any user can choose not to receive bulk emails by un-checking this checkbox in his/her profile page: