Traditional keyword-based search technology only focuses on keyword matching when fetching results. 

Qmarkets is using contextual search, a more advanced search technology that focuses on the context of the query as well as the intent of the user in order to fetch the most relevant set of results. Consequently, when searching for a specific keyword, our search engine will not only look for the exact occurrences but rather present in the resulting search all related words (synonyms).

Taking as an example the keyword "travel", here is the difference between Traditional keyword-based and contextual search:

Type of search
Expected Results
Traditional search
  • Showing all occurrences of "travel"
Contextual search
  • Showing all occurrences of "travel"
  • Showing all occurrences of "tour"
  • Showing all occurrences of "trek"
  • Showing all occurrences of "visit"
  • Showing all occurrences of "vacations"
  • Showing all occurrences of "cruise"
  • ...

When using the global search option in Qmarkets system, you will be able to filter as needed the search result and fine-tune your research:

The global search presents the search results according to their relevancy.