The 'To Do' bell notifies you about all the tasks and actions you are invited to take within the Qmarkets platform.

A few examples of To Do's pending your actions:

  • As a review committee member, you may need to evaluate ideas;
  • As an expert, you may be requested to provide an expert review;
  • As a project manager or project team member, you may be requested to handle tasks;
  • As an author, you may be expected to manage "Join the team" requests

Completing one of the tasks such as "expert reviews", "project tasks", and "Join the team" will have it removed from your 'To Do' list. But contrary to these actions that are managed individually, the review committee evaluation is a joint session managed by the campaign manager or associated role. Therefore, the Review Committee evaluation task will disappear from the 'To Do' list only when the campaign manager changes the idea state for which the evaluation is taking place.

To do tasks that aren't connected to a due date

Sometimes tasks still appear even if aren't relevant anymore (for example - ideas in state "closed"). 

This can happen if the state isn't connected to a date field, so the system takes the default time which is 30 days. 

The tasks in the system don't disappear when the due date had passed. The state owner of this current state, will still see the task as long as the idea is in this current state. 

For example:

  • A user gets a "to do" task to process an idea, but the idea is in state "closed" so there is no need of processing.
  • The user is the state owner of this current state, so the notification will appear as long as those conditions going on.
In this case, there are 2 options:

1. Remove the assignments for the users/ change the state owner method in those states.
2. Move the idea to a different state (if relevant).