With the latest update of 10.7 version, Qmarkets added a series of logs that allow authorized users to better understand the internal behavior of the system. There are currently 2 new logs:

  1. a mail log that traces all outgoing emails, including newsletters, bulk emails, notifications, reminders, etc ...
  2. configuration log that traces all configuration changes done by the administrators on the system

Please note that these new features are available only for self admin systems.

Accessing the logs

To access the logs, click on settings, then system logs:

Recent mail log entries

This log allows authorized users to view all emails sent from the system as subscriptions, notifications/reminders, etc.

Clicking on the subject, you will be able to see how the email was effectively sent, including the logo, layout, and mail signature.

The mail settings allows the authorized users to define how long emails should be saved in the log. 

Accessing the idea itself, a new tab in the history section enables the authorized users to see all emails that were sent for that specific idea. This information enables to validate whether the system is properly configured in regards to notifications and determine the likelihood of an issue at the email receiving end.

Configuration logs

These logs track and monitor all configuration changes. Authorized users can view all information about the configurations made in the system. The table will contain information on what was changed, when and by who.

If you have any issues with the usage of these new features, do not hesitate to contact the support team.