Using clustering  is a great way to understand what the main topics are within a specific campaign/challenge based on the content that was submitted.
Recognizing these topics can help you identify plain points and opportunities within your organizations and address either within the system (by opening campaigns, assigning stakeholders, etc.) or outside the system.

The clustering tool creates automated clusters through language processing using our machine learning algorithm. Clusters are created by looking at the title and all text fields. In case you feel that there are terms that need to be blacklisted or you have any other concerns re the algorithm, please contact [email protected].

The clustering tool  is accessible for all users from within the campaign/challenge menu:

The ideas (or other content) will be grouped into clusters. Each polygon is a single idea.

The size of each polygon indicates how many comments it has.

Clicking the cluster title, will open a list with all relevant ideas, from where you can navigate between them.

You have the option to filter the content. Once filtered, the clusters will be re-built accordingly.

Clustering can be disabled per subsystem from the self-admin setting page: