How does it look:

When a user is blocked in Qmarkets platform, he/she is no longer able to access the system. In the case of authentication with SSO (SAML, Facebook, etc. ) the user will not be able to access even if the SSO authentication was successful.

The user itself will get this error:

When looking at this user' profile page, authorized users will be able to see when user was blocked:

Sysadmins and tenant admins can see the status in the users list and even filter by it:

These series of functionalities available to active users will be disabled:

  • password reset mechanism;
  • receiving any emails from the system;
  • in case of self-registration, he won't be able to create a new account using his blocked account email

Users can be blocked either manually or automatically due to the below reasons:

1. Manual user blocking

SysAdmins have the possibility to manually block users. 

To find out how to block users, please refers to the Moderator users' guide of your relevant software release located in the Documentation Center: Search for the "Users control" section.

2.Automatic user blocking through users' CSV file provisioning

Customers transferring users' CSV files (typically through a secured FTP) will have their users base in Qmarkets in line with the latest provided user list file (extracted from their Active Directory). Consequently:

  • Users present in Qmarkets database, but not present in the user's list file, will be automatically blocked;
  • Users not present in Qmarkets database, but present in the user's list file, will be automatically created.

It is important to keep the CSV users' list aligned with the organization's Active Directory, so users that left the organization will not be able to access/get emails from the system.

In case a user is not in the latest CSV file, and the import settings are set to 'block missing users' - the user will be blocked in the system.

3. Automatic user block/suspension due to unsuccessful login attempts

Users can be suspended or blocked after a specified number of unsuccessful login attempts.
When a user is blocked/suspended, an email will be sent to the affected user and Site Admin notifying a user block/suspension has occurred.
To modify this setting (change number of attempts, or suspension period), contact your Customer Success Manager.

4. Self-Blocking

Users that have been self-registered can block their account from the profile page.


For customers using SCIM for users provisioning, users state is updated in accordance with thier centralized corporate directory. 

If a user was removed from the Active Directory/SCIM application's users group - they will be blocked in the system.To understand how SCIM works, please refer to