Please note that this article does not address the use case where no users are able to access the Qmarkets platform. In that case, you should immediately open a support ticket.

As SysAdmin you may be contacted by users who are not able to access the system. This article provides guidelines on how to address the issue and present a methodology to find out the reason for the issue.

What are the reasons a user cannot access the Qmarkets system?

1. The user is blocked in the Qmarkets platform

A user can either be blocked manually by one of the SysAdmins or automatically while processing users provisioning. The user provisioning can be typically the automated import of a user's file (.csv format) via sFTP or an implementation of the SCIM protocol

In the case a user list file is used for provisioning, make sure the user is in the list of users contained in the csv file. Missing users in the users' list file are automatically blocked.

Please note it is not recommended to manually manage users while there is in parallel, an automated process running in the background.

2. The IDP (IDentity Provider) managing the access of the resources does not allow the user to access the Qmarkets system. In that case, you should contact your IT team and ask for the user to be able to access Qmarkets system.

3. There is a discrepancy between the unique identifier provided by the IDP and the information located on Qmarkets servers. As described in the figure below, after being authenticated by the IDP, Qmarkets will validate the unique identifier provided via the SSO attribute and verify it corresponds with the unique identifier found in the Qmarkets database.

With Qmarkets, the unique identifier can be either the username or email. This is defined during the onboarding phase while setting up the SAML SSO integration. To verify what are the attributes provided by the IDP, Qmarkets provides a unique test link. Please contact support in order to receive your test link.

The test link should be clicked by the user having problems accessing the system. The resulting information, the list of attributes, should make it is easy to find out if the unique identifier matches or not. If it doesn't, your IT team will need to adjust the information of the .csv based user's file.