Once a ticket is submitted, it can be assigned to different states in the process. The description of each state is listed below.

  • Ticket submitted to Support

Ticket was received by Qmarkets Support team but has not yet been reviewed.

  • Ticket with Support Team

Ticket is under review by Qmarkets Support Team. The responding agent will either resolve the issue directly, request additional clarification from you, or forward it internally to the appropriate team. Regardless of action, expect to receive and email with update from the agent.

  • Awaiting customer reply

The Support team requires additional information from you to continue working on ticket resolution. and wait for your feedback in order to continue with the ticket processing.

A reminder notification will be emailed after 2 days and again after 5 days asking for update. A final notification will be sent out after 7 days informing you that ticket is now closed. Closed tickets can always be re-opened by responding to email notification.

  • Ticket with Configuration Team

The Support team was unable to address your issue directly. Tickets in this state require advanced configuration support/review from our Professional Services team. 

  • Ticket with R&D

The Support team was unable to address your issue directly. Tickets in this state require development effort often times resulting in release of a hot fix. These types of issues sometimes take longer to process depending on severity of issue reported. 

  • Ticket with Product

The Support team was unable to address your issue directly. Tickets in this state are often enhancement type requests or functionality not currently supported in existing release. Issues that remain in this state are in consideration for roadmap inclusion though not yet prioritized or approved.

  • Ticket with DevOps Team

The Support team was unable to address your issue directly. Tickets in this state requires assistance from our IT infrastructure team. These types of issues are generally resolved within normal maintenance windows and typically on Sundays.

  • Ticket with Customer Success Manager

The Support team was unable to address your issue directly. Tickets in this state requires assistance from your CSM as issue can be resolved through training and/or one on one consulting. While your CSM should reach out to you directly, please also feel free to contact them directly.

  • Ticket resolved, Awaiting Confirmation

The Support team either resolved the issue or indicated a reason why the issue reported is not resolvable. Reasons a ticket cannot be resolved may include: issue reported is expected system behavior or the ticket was a product enhancement request for future consideration.

If you are not satisfied with the Support team member's response, you may re-open your ticket. If response is satisfactory, ticket will automatically change to Closed state after 2 days. No action is needed on your part.

  • Ticket Closed

No further actions are expected in this state. Please note that a closed ticket can be re-opened at any time.

Typically, this state change will trigger a short feedback survey being sent to you seeking your feedback on the quality of the ticket handling.