The User Exports report is a great way of exporting a list of your users along with their profile information and activity level. 

The tracked activity levels are:

  • Idle
    • The user never visited the site

  • Viewer
    • The user visited the site
    • Did not participate or engage

  • Feedbacker:

    • The user visited the site
    • They participated by posting comments or voting on ideas

  • Generator:

    • The user visited the site

    • They also submitted at least one idea to campaign

  • All-Arounder
    • The user visited the site

    • They participated by posting comments or voting on ideas
    • They also submitted at least one idea to campaign

The report accumulates the activities from all subsystems.

To run the report:

- In case you have a single subsystem, go to Main menu --> Reports-->Exports and select the "User Export" option 

- In case you have multiple subsystems, go to Subsystem Overview --> Reports--> Select the "User Export" option.